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Set Up Twitter Integration

The twitter integration allows you to share your statistics with your friends. You can use this plugin to link your twitter account to your WhatPulse account and set it to tweet your statistics automatically. Everything is configurable; which message & statistics you want to tweet and how often you would like the website to do so.

To begin, head to the "Social Sharing" tab in the "My WhatPulse" menu. If you have not yet linked your twitter account to WhatPulse, this page will give you a link that will redirect you to twitter where you can authorise WhatPulse to tweet your statistics. This authorization page should look like this:

Twitter authorisation

After authorising the WhatPulse App, you will be redirected to the WhatPulse website to configure your automatic tweet. The website will use a default message and a default tweet rate of 3 days. Below is an overview of what you should know about the tweet preferences.

Twitter settings

The red arrow is pointing to the disconnect link. If you use this, you will disconnect your twitter account from WhatPulse and we will stop tweeting. The green arrow is pointing to the message and tweet rate. If you change these, you need to use the "Save" button to set the new preferences in effect. The orange arrow is where an example tweet is, this will automatically update if you change the tweet message. And finally, the yellow arrow is pointing to the button "Click here to tweet manually" - you can use this button to manually send out a tweet.